Small bowel prolapse, also called an enterocele, occurs when the small intestine (small intestine) descends into the lower pelvic cavity and forces the upper part of the vagina to form a bulge. The word "prolapse" means slipping or drooping.
If the rectocele is large, it can produce significant tissue swelling from the vaginal opening. This swelling can be uncomfortable but is rarely painful. If needed, self-care measures and other non-surgical options are often effective. Rectocele may require surgical repair if the patient has many complaints.
Birth, aging, and other processes that put pressure on your pelvic floor can weaken the muscles and ligaments that support the pelvic organs and increase the likelihood of small bowel prolapse occurring. Self-care measures and other non-surgical options for managing small bowel prolapse usually effective. In severe cases, surgical repair may be required.
Mild small bowel prolapse may produce no signs or symptoms. However, if you have a significant prolapse, you may experience:
Many women with small bowel prolapse experience prolapse of other pelvic organs such as the bladder, uterus, or last bowel.
Consult your doctor if you develop signs or symptoms of sagging that bother you.
Increased pressure on the pelvic floor is the main cause of any pelvic organ prolapse. Conditions and activities that can cause or contribute to small bowel prolapse or other types of prolapse include:
Pregnancy and childbirth are the most common causes of pelvic organ prolapse. The muscles, ligaments, and fascia that hold and support your vagina stretch and weaken during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Not everyone who has had a baby develops a pelvic organ prolapse. Some women have very strong supporting muscles, ligaments, and fascia in the pelvis and never have problems. Also, a woman who has never had a baby develops a pelvic organ prolapse. It is also possible to develop prolapse.
Factors that increase your risk of developing small bowel prolapse include:
You can reduce your chances of small bowel prolapse with the following strategies:
To confirm the diagnosis of small bowel prolapse, your doctor will perform a pelvic exam. During the exam, your doctor may ask you to take a deep breath and hold it while you have a bowel movement, which is likely to cause the prolapsed small intestine to bulge downward. If your doctor cannot confirm a prolapse while lying on the examination table, he or she may repeat the examination while standing.
Small bowel prolapse usually doesn't need treatment unless symptoms bother you. Surgery may be effective if you have advanced sagging with bothersome symptoms. Non-surgical approaches are available if you want to avoid surgery, if the surgery is too risky, or if you want to become pregnant in the future.
If your prolapse is showing few or no obvious symptoms, you don't need treatment. Simple self-care measures such as doing exercises called Kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles can relieve symptoms. Avoiding heavy lifting and constipation can make your prolapse less likely to worsen. (If you want to learn about all these treatment modalities in detail, you can find them on my website)
A silicone, plastic, or rubber device inserted into your vagina supports the swollen tissue. Pessaries come in a variety of styles and sizes. Finding the right one takes some trial and error. Your doctor measures you for the device and fits it, and you learn how to put on, remove, and clean the device. Many of my patients regained their health without surgery with this method.
A surgeon through the vagina or abdomen; can perform surgery to repair it, with or without robotic assistance. During the procedure, your surgeon moves the prolapsed small intestine back into place and repairs the connective tissue of your pelvic floor. Sometimes, small amounts of synthetic mesh (mesh) may be used to help support the weakened tissues (Details on patches can be found on my website). A small bowel prolapse usually does not recur. However, further injury to the pelvic floor can occur with increased pelvic pressure, such as constipation, coughing, obesity, or heavy lifting.
Depending on the severity of your condition, these self-care measures may provide the symptom relief you need:
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