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Intrauterine Adhesions and Treatment

Asherman syndrome is a rare and acquired uterine disease. In women with this disease, adhesions occur in the uterus due to trauma. In severe cases, the entire anterior and posterior surface of the uterus may be completely adhered to each other. These adhesions may be intermittent or completely adherent.

Asherman's Syndrome

Symptoms of Asherman's syndrome

Most women with Asherman syndrome experience little or no bleeding. Some women may have pain during their menstrual period, but no bleeding. This means menstrual period, but bleeding cannot come out because there is a blockage in the outlet

If your periods are irregular, have intermittent bleeding, or not have periods at all, there may be other reasons. Some of these are;

  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Obesity
  • Extreme exercise
  • Use of birth control pill
  • Menopause
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Please consult your doctor if your periods become irregular, infrequent or stop. your doctor can determine the cause and give treatment.

What is the Effect of Asherman Syndrome on Conceiving?

Some women with Asherman syndrome may experience problems such as inability to conceive or recurrent miscarriages. It is possible to become pregnant with Asherman's syndrome, but adhesions in the uterus may pose a risk to the developing fetus. Your risk of miscarriage or stillbirth is still higher than those who do not have this disease.

Asherman syndrome also increases the risk of some conditions during pregnancy. These are ;

  • Placenta previa
  • Placenta increta
  • Excessive bleeding

If you have Asherman syndrome, your doctor will closely monitor your pregnancy. Asherman's syndrome can be treated with surgery, and your chances of conceiving and a healthy pregnancy increase after treatment. Doctors usually recommend waiting a year before conceiving after surgery.

Causes of Asherman's syndrome

According to the International Asherman Association, 90% of Asherman's diseases occur after dilatation and curettage (D&C). Abortion is generally applied in cases of incomplete abortions, incomplete separation of the placenta after delivery, or elective abortions.

Diagnosis of Asherman's syndrome

If your doctor suspects Asherman syndrome, he will usually take a blood sample to rule out other diagnoses. It may also be necessary to do an ultrasound to look at the intrauterine thickness and follicles.

Hysteroscopy is the best method used in the diagnosis of Asherman syndrome. In this procedure, the doctor dilates (widens) the cervix and inserts the hysteroscope device from the cervix into the uterus. The hysteroscope is a small camera. Your doctor can look inside the uterus to see if there are wounds and adhesions.

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