Pap smear, or simply smear test, is a tool that contributes to the successful outcome of the treatment, as it can diagnose cancerous lesions that are still in the formation stage, which are used in cervical cancer screening.
The HPV-Smear test is a special cervical screening test for women to evaluate the cervix (cervix) and check for precancerous conditions.
It is the early recognition of some lesions that are not cancerous in the cervix, but have the risk of turning into cancer after many years if not noticed. These lesions, which are noticed early, are treated and removed before they turn into cancer.
So the purpose of smear test is not to detect people who have started cervical cancer, but to detect lesions years before cancer starts. In women who do not have a smear test, these lesions are not noticed and may turn into cancer after many years.
The Papsmear test is a process that only takes a few minutes. During the examination, an instrument called a speculum is gently inserted into the vagina. The speculum keeps the walls of your vagina separate so the cervix is easily visible.
Then using a soft brush and a flat wiping device called a spatula, samples of your cervical cells will be taken. There is usually no pain during this procedure.
The cell sample taken from your cervix is smeared on the glass and fixed with a special liquid, then sent to the laboratory under appropriate conditions.
Samples are sent to a laboratory to look for the presence of cells that indicate cancer or a precancerous condition.
It is recommended that women between the ages of 30-65 have smear and HPV-DNA testing every 5 years.
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