HPV is a virus that has more than 200 types today and is 99% sexually transmitted. HPV positivity is present in 75-80% of sexually active women. HPV is the most important cause of cervical cancer today.
We may encounter different pathologies depending on the type of HPV. For example, HPV 6 and 11 types can cause genital warts in both men and women. 14-15 oncogenic types, led by HPV 16 and 18, can cause precancerous lesions (CINI, CINII, CINIII) and cancer.
Op.Dr. Hüseyin Kılıç is one of the most experienced physicians in the province of Istanbul in HPV and related conditions.
HPV and the problems it causes such as ASCUS, LSIL, HSIL, AGC, CIN2, CIN and cervical cancer Op.Dr. It is successfully examined colposcopically by Hüseyin Kılıç. If necessary, LEEP and conization processes are carried out
Genital warts seen in both men and women are the genital manifestations of sexually transmitted HPV infection. It is also called “condyloma acuminata”. There are more than 200 types of HPV virus (Human papilloma virus) and 40 of them cause genital warts. The types that cause the most warts are HPV 6 and HPV 11. However, these HPV types do not cause cancer.
Especially in women, other HPV types can be found in the body at the same time, and therefore tests such as Pap Smear should be done. Genital warts are light or dark brown bumps on the skin, sometimes as spots. It can be seen as one, or multiple warts can appear side by side in a cauliflower shape. Warts are sometimes thought to be flesh-me-nots or not noticed at all. They may itch or cause bleeding during sexual intercourse.
It is estimated that 60 percent of women and men have encountered HPV at some point in their lives. After the virus enters the body, it is usually suppressed by the immune system. Types that cause genital warts when not suppressed show symptoms after an average of 1 year after infection.
Whether the virus gives symptoms or not, it is possible to infect other people because it is in the body. Therefore, it cannot be determined when and from whom the HPV virus was transmitted. The earlier genital warts are diagnosed, the easier it is to treat. Warts are treated with creams, various burning methods or surgery depending on their size.
Genital warts are seen in 1 percent of the society. In the 20s, this rate rises to 7 percent. Even if the cervical cancer vaccine is given, screening programs must be continued. From the age of 21, all women should have a smear every three years.
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