Abortion or, more accurately, curettage generally means the evacuation of an unwanted intrauterine pregnancy.
In the medical literature, termination of pregnancy is also referred to as pregnancy termination or dilatation-curettage. Among the people, curettage is expressed with terms such as kurtaş, kurtaş, cortage or abortion.
Curettage is actually the cleaning of the entire inside of the uterus. For example, curettage technique is used for both diagnosis and treatment in patients who are not pregnant and present with prolonged, abnormal menstrual bleeding.
When Adana Abortion is used in the sense of abortion, it ceases to be just a medical procedure, it contains many social, ethical, psychological and religious components.
It is a practice that has been used all over the world for years and its limits have been determined by laws, so to speak, it is a right.
Abortion is a process that is allowed or prohibited with very different restrictions in the world. There are also differences between countries as to which week of pregnancy an abortion can be performed. However, there is a striking data that the abortion rates in countries that restrict and do not restrict abortion are very close to each other.
In this case, it shows that the process is done in illegal and unsafe places in countries where abortion is banned.
While abortion is legal in 73 countries in the world, it is prohibited in 68 countries. In the Republic of Turkey, abortion is legal until the 10th week of pregnancy.
The process of removing the fetus in the womb by various methods is called abortion. Abortion can be done for the termination of an unwanted pregnancy, as well as for the termination of a desired pregnancy if it is found to be healthy.
The need for abortion arises in cases where the baby's heartbeat stops, the use of harmful drugs during pregnancy or high-dose radiation exposure, in cases where embryo formation such as empty pregnancy is never seen, or in cases where the continuation of the pregnancy will endanger the mother's life.
Abortion, except for abortion, is performed in women with uterine thickening, when biopsy is required to diagnose uterine cancer, and to stop bleeding and obtain tissue diagnosis in patients presenting with abnormal vaginal bleeding.
The legal limit for abortions performed for the purpose of pregnancy evacuation is limited to 10 weeks from the last menstrual period.
10. Pregnancy termination on demand for more than one week is not legal in our country. However, in the presence of a severe disability detected in the baby or in cases where the continuation of the pregnancy will endanger the life of the mother, the pregnancy is terminated by the decision of the health board. If an abortion is performed over the 10th week, it is called an illegal abortion.
The abortion operation was previously performed with hard metal instruments called curettes. With these instruments, the uterus was scraped, and the word abortion means scraping. However, with this method, it is not used nowadays because the risk of damage to the inner wall due to excessive scraping of the uterus, adhesion risk and perforation of the uterus is higher.
Today, abortion is mostly performed using the vacuum aspiration method. This technique is much less damaging than the curette method.
In vacuum aspiration abortion technique, disposable sterile cannulas are inserted into the uterus through the cervix and pregnancy material is withdrawn with an injector called Karmen, which provides negative pressure. This process is repeated under ultrasound guidance until it is ensured that there is no tissue left inside and takes about 5-6 minutes.
Pricing for abortion is determined by the decision of each clinic and physician. Whether the materials used here are disposable, whether the procedure is performed in a sterile environment, and the experience and competence of the physician are the main factors that determine the price.
Although the abortion process is related to the week of pregnancy, it takes about 5-10 minutes. As the gestational week increases, the duration naturally lengthens.
In patients undergoing abortion with sedation anesthesia, the patient's light dose of anesthesia and the rest period after the procedure should be considered. The duration of the procedure is the same in patients who have abortion with this type of anesthesia, but a rest period of 15-20 minutes should be added to the period after the procedure.
Abortion is not accepted as surgery, but it is a procedure that should be considered as a surgical intervention. When sterility rules are followed by competent and experienced people, the risk is almost non-existent.
Patients who will undergo sedation type anesthesia while coming to have an abortion must stop eating and drinking 4-6 hours beforehand. Smokers should not smoke for 4-6 hours before the procedure. It is appropriate to come to the center where the procedure will be performed, preferably with a relative who will assist you.
Before the procedure, blood group information is required in terms of blood incompatibility. Finally, if he is using blood thinners, it is recommended not to take the drug before the procedure.
Abortion means that the pregnancy material is spontaneously expelled by the body. It can be full or partial.
In complete abortion (complete abortion), some of the pregnancy tissue remains in the uterus. If this remaining tissue does not fall off on its own within 1-2 days, abortion is required. Because the remaining tissue will prevent the development of a new uterine lining, as well as lead to bleeding and adhesions that are exposed to infection in the uterus.
The risk of abortion performed by experienced and knowledgeable people using the correct technique (vacua aspiration) is almost non-existent, but it is still appropriate to mention some risks since it is a surgical procedure.
The meaning of the word abortion means to curettage. It is a term describing the technique of the operation during the process. Since pregnancy termination is done by this method, it is widely used in this sense. However, abortion is a technique that is sometimes used in cases where there is no pregnancy.
That is, women with menstrual irregularity, abnormal vaginal bleeding, pre- and post-menopausal menopausal women with uterine thickness for the purpose of making a diagnosis by performing a biopsy from the uterus or excessively proliferating uterine membrane layer in women with very heavy bleeding. It is quite common to use a curettage technique for therapeutic purposes to remove it and stop bleeding.
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